
​The College has all the facilities to ensure comfortable learning by the student teachers. The following are some of the facilities available in our College.
The Multipurpose Hall
Science Lab
The Computer Lab
Internet Facilities
Psychology Lab
ET lab
Arts & Craft Lab
Language Lab

Lab Facilities
The Multipurpose Hall:
The multipurpose hall is used for assembly, cultural programme, guest Lecturers and any mass oriented programme. The hall was equipped with public Addressing System and LCD presentation facilities.
Science Lab:
The Indra Ganesan College of Education State-of-the-art laboratories are provided for each department equipped to match the best anywhere. Indra Ganesan College of Education provides separate labs for Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. There are various apparatus glassware's, substances, specimens charts, etc., which is used in school. Teachers to understand different Scientific, rates and Principles which helps students, teachers to develop their scientific skills like accuracy, observation, time management etc. through which they can understand different scientific principles of real life.
The Computer Lab :
The Computer Lab is well equipped with state-of-the-art 40 Pentium computers. Systems all interconnected through LAN. The systems work under Windows environments.
Internet Facility :
The college possesses wireless line for internet facility for its students. The Student can access this facility through high-speed internet sharing device. The computer lab has Laser printer for the use of the students. To ensure personalized attention to every student in the lab, Computer Instructor gives proper and in depth guidance to each & every student. The computer lab possesses state-of-the-art software.
Psychology Lab :
The institute has well equipped psychology lab, consisting of different psychological experiments (Paper-pencil Tests, Apparatus Tests), charts, experiments, and tests etc., related to Educational Psychology It helps students to understand the psychology of children, adult or any other social member.
ET Lab :
Beside the computers other technical equipment is also useful for best teaching. To make study interesting, IGCE used different educational instruments like slide Projector, over head Projector, LCD Projector, Audio and Video Cassettes, Transparency Sheets etc.
Arts & Craft Lab :
One of the objective of education is to inculcate individual, the appreciation of beauty and to develop a sense of aesthetics. A lot of emphasis is placed on fine as well as performing Arts. In our institute exposure is provided to Art and Craft, Music & Dance, Dramatics etc. In addition to painting, sketching and regular craft work, students are exposed to a variety of Media including clay and paper make. Emphasis is placed on making “the best from waste” by using old boxes, charts, Match sticks, used fax and toilet paper roll etc.
Language Lab :
Language Room is real platform to learn language for the student. It helps to develop reading, writing and besides that specially listening and speaking skills. It helps to improve, pronunciation of any language. The Indra Ganesan College of Education have different CDs, MP3, Cassettes regarding contents English Speaking, GK, Personality Development etc.